5 Simple Parenting Tips that Work for Kids with ADHD

5 Simple Parenting Tips that Work for Kids with ADHD

Many parents feel helpless and frustrated at times but if your child has ADHD, you may feel this way more often. It’s not uncommon for parents I see in my therapy practice to report feeling overwhelmingly frustrated and exhausted by the effort it takes to enforce simple daily routines. That’s because typical parenting strategies don’t work well for a child with ADHD. Children with ADHD are different. Read on to learn my top 5 parenting tweaks that actually work for kids with ADHD.

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Managing Parenting Frustration with a Pause

Managing Parenting Frustration with a Pause

Responding to misbehavior with harsh words or severe consequences isn’t the most effective way to teach children how we want them to behave. But what do you do when you’re SO FRUSTRATED that how you react isn’t as loving or graceful as you want it to be? In this post I’m sharing my top strategies to yell less and communicate more.

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Empowered Parenting for ADHD

Empowered Parenting for ADHD

Children with ADHD do their best when they know what to expect. Establishing a consistent routine for morning time, homework time, playtime and bedtime helps a child feel confident and secure while also smoothing transitions from one activity to the next. Today I’m sharing 5 strategies that support executive functioning and are useful tools for establishing structure in the home environment.

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To Parents of Rising 6th Graders with ADHD

To Parents of Rising 6th Graders with ADHD

Here’s what you need to know about middle school. This information is especially important to read if your child has ADHD and didn’t have difficulties in elementary school. If you’ve already read my e-book, you know that the primary feature of ADHD is a deficit of regulation. Difficulty regulating means the brain has difficulty organizing itself to attain future goals. The transition to middle school represents a major shift in the demand for self-regulation. Because of this, for students with ADHD many problems begin in middle school that didn’t occur in elementary school.

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Simple Parenting Tweaks that Work for Kids with ADHD

Simple Parenting Tweaks that Work for Kids with ADHD

Many parents feel helpless and frustrated at times but if your child has ADHD, you may feel this way more often. It’s not uncommon for parents I see in my therapy practice to report feeling overwhelmingly frustrated and exhausted by the effort it takes to enforce simple daily routines. That’s because typical parenting strategies don’t work well for a child with ADHD. Children with ADHD are different. Read on to learn my top 5 parenting tweaks that actually work for kids with ADHD.

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4 Tips to Avoid Overstimulation this Holiday

4 Tips to Avoid Overstimulation this Holiday

Overstimulation occurs when there are too many sights, sounds, or activities going on in the environment for a person to handle. The typical holiday season creates changes in routine and diet that when added to the excitement of the season causes overstimulation for both parents and kids. Recognizing the cues for what happens before you or your child becomes overstimulated is the first step to better coping through the holidays.

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1 in 9 School Age Children are Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- Here’s What you May Not Know

1 in 9 School Age Children are Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- Here’s What you May Not Know

As of 2011 11% of 4-17 year olds were reportedly diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). That’s about 1 of every 9 school age children. Here’s the surprising part: it’s likely that the estimate is low. This is because historically, referral for diagnosis and treatment has been directed to the overtly hyperactive child and often missed the less noticeable inattentive or easily distracted child.

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